
New-Found Loves ♥

Friday 9 May 2014

Hello everybody! I haven't been posting very often as I have been completely bogged down by projects and assignments so I apologise for that. This post is something that I just couldn't wait to write because I am so overwhelmed by how much I am loving these products that I feel like the whole world needs to know about them!

Last night I posted this photo to my instagram , and gave myself a bit of a pamper session using these products and I absolutely loved the way they all worked so well and complemented each other on my skin so I thought I would share them with you.

First up, Frank. Now for those of you who are avid instagram users like myself, there is a high possibility that you will know a lot about Frank and even have ordered some of him for yourself. For those of you who have no idea what i'm talking about, let me break it down for you. Frank is a completely natural body scrub that is made from fresh coffee grinds. This one that I've got contains grapeseed oil, coconut oil, coconut flakes, brown sugar, jojoba seeds and sea salt (omg does that not sounds delicious).

Here's a summary of my overall opinion:

First impression: After ordering, it came within about 3 working days (and free shipping in Australia woo). The packaging is simple and minimal. The information on the back is to the point (and also pretty flirty... Frank knows how to please the ladies, ladies).

Use: The directions say to use 2 handfuls but I found I only needed one handful to successfully scrub my whole body from head to toe.

Be warned: it is extremely messy. I recommend using this only in the shower/bath tub because it literally gets EVERYWHERE.

Results? I am in love. Absolutely and utterly in love with Frank. Firstly, the smell- it smells amaaaazing. I am one of those people who love the smell of coffee but hate the taste of it (weird, i know). Secondly, it works- it really, really works. I have never used a body scrub that is so softening, so smoothing, gently exfoliating and smells fabulous. My whole body felt so soft afterwards I literally wanted everyone to touch my skin because I didn't think anyone would believe how well this works. I have NEVER felt my skin like that. Just trust me. Its $14.95 but I would honestly have paid more for this. Buy it here!

Next up, The Olive Branch by Lush. This is such a gorgeous body wash from Lush. I've actually not been into Lush all year (shock horror, i know) and that is because I still have leftover products from christmas/my birthday! But I definitely will be going back as soon as this baby runs out because I am addicted to it. It's the perfect night time shower gel. It's got a very mediterranean scent to it- made from bergamot oil, olive oil, mandarin oil, vine leaves and lemon oil. The olive oil is fair trade which is great too. Its got such a warm scent to it, yet somehow its also quite fresh. I loooooove this! 

And last but not least, Neutrogena's Light Sesame Body Oil. The bottle says this can be used as a light moisturiser but I personally love using it as a bath oil. It is so smoothing and softening and moisturising and yet somehow light enough to not leave you feeling greasy! I actually got out of the bath and didn't need to moisturise at all (which is huge for me, usually my skin freaks out if I haven't moisturised straight after a bath/shower). 

So I wasn't expecting this post to be long but I really am obsessing over these products. Hopefully you found something you'd like to try (hint: try Frank!!). Are there any products you've been obsessing over? If so, let me know in the comments!