
Moving Out Of Home | What I Learned

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Moving out of home was probably one of the biggest changes I've ever made in my life. I moved out with my boyfriend in September of last year, and in that time I've grown more than I could ever have imagined.

So here's what I've learned over the last 8 months...

Life is expensive
Electricity, water, internet, groceries, furniture, washing powder, kettles, shampoo, bed linen, toasters, hand soap, bread, milk, fruit, toothpaste - the list goes on and on and it doesn't ever stop!

Dinner doesn't magically appear on the table 
Oh mum, I definitely miss coming home after a long day and not having to worry about what to make for dinner with the random things in the fridge. Organising breakfast, lunch and dinner every day can be exhausting and boring. I am so sick of pre-made pasta it's ridiculous. It's great when you have the whole evening to chop potatoes whilst singing along to Sam Smith, however when you finish work at 8pm, get home at 8:30pm and then have to organise dinner it's not fun.

You're tired all the time
When you're not working, you're cooking. When you're not cooking, you're planning meals. When you're not planning, you're cleaning. When you're not cleaning, you're paying a bill. I value my sleep and downtime so much more now. I really try tomato the most of my days off by doing things that make me feel really good (like binge watching Real Housewives of Melbourne).

If you want pizza at 3am, you can bloody well have pizza at 3am
After all is said and done, moving out is pretty awesome. Being able to do literally whatever you want whenever you want is a pretty great feeling. I've also really enjoyed decorating our apartment together and being able to express my style. Designing your life and your own space is a true luxury and I am forever grateful to be able to this.

If you like this post, stay tuned for more content related to moving out!

Special thanks to Max Baker for pushing me to write this!