
Uni/School Bag Essentials

Monday, 10 March 2014

Hello Everyone!
Yes it is that time of year again when most people go back to university/college/school, and after a couple months of laid back holidays we can sometimes forget exactly what we need to keep ourselves awake during that boring history class! So here is a list of some of the things I always have in my uni bag just to get your memory jogging. 

The Bag Itself- A good sturdy sized handbag is absolutely necessary. Mine is from Colette and is a pretty big size. I like that it has an outer pocket (on the side you cant see) where I can put my phone, keys and lipbalm as all these things are within easy reach and I don't have to stick my hand in and search endlessly for them (if you've ever lost keys in a full handbag you'll know what i'm talking about). As much as I do love this bag, I am still on the lookout for another uni bag as I used this all summer as my go-to handbag and its starting to fall apart slowly so if any of you know any great uni bags let me know in the comments! 

Bottle of water- I don't usually take this VOSS water bottle as it's glass and only holds 375ml (definitely not enough for Sydney's heat) however I thought it would look better than a plastic bottle for the purposes of the photograph. Water is a pretty simple one as it's important to stay hydrated during long days at uni. After all our bodies are 75% water! Water can also help alleviate things such as headaches and cool you down :) 

Deoderant- Shouldn't really need to explain this; Just use it. 

Cute notebook & Pencil Case- I don't really know whether it's cool to have matching notebook and pencil case, but I bought these from Typo and they were the only prints that I actually liked haha! Typo does some great stationary- i've bought most of mine from there. The notebook has 4 sections which is perfect for anyone like myself who has 4 subjects. The pencil case is perfect size for me and holds everything my stationary-obsessed self needs!

2014 Diary- A 2014 diary is essential for keeping up to date with assignments, exams and your social life. It's important to have a balance between study and social life so having the dates of due things all in one place can help you manage your time effectively. I just used the one that UNSW gave us as it has all the dates of parties and other uni things going on.

Umbrella- Because Sydney's weather can go from 40 to 10 degrees in five minutes. Enough said. 

Jumper- See point on Umbrella^

Earphones- To listen to some fab tunes on the 1 hour train ride into uni. 

Emergency kit:

In this pouch from Kikki-K I store everything I have ever desperately needed in the past but never had with me- learning from my mistakes good job Tay! Basically this pouch travels with me everywhere I go, if I change my bag, this pouch along with my wallet, keys and sunglasses will always be moved with it. 

Paw Paw Ointment- Great in the winter for chapped lips but also great for soothing minor cuts and bruises 

Dettol Hand Sanitiser- Because there are people in this world who don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom. Sigh. 

Marc Jacobs Daisy roll on perfume- Just in case I need a touch up of perfume or if I forgot to put it on entirely on an important day

Kleenex anti-bacterial wipes- Always comes in handy for messy spills 

Natio Spot Treatment- Perfect for that random breakout that decided to show up on the same day as that date you have! 

Panadol and Naprogesic- These are two things that I always regretted not carrying with me on an everyday basis. Headaches can pop up at any time, even if you don't have one, someone you're with might. As for Naprogesic, when period pain strikes this is the only thing that makes me feel slightly better about having my uterus shed itself. (If you're a boy reading this, quit getting squirmish and grow up. Half the population goes through this every month) 

Tweezers- Another random thing that always comes in handy; plucking out the odd eyebrow hair on the train,  picking at ingrowns in lectures, removing an unsuspecting splinter from your finger, this list goes on. 

Bandaids- Because recently I have come to understand the world of blisters. They suck. 

I hope this gave you a few ideas of things to keep in your uni bag to get you through the day! If you have any ideas that I could use for things to keep in my bag then leave them in the comments :) 

xoxo Tay  

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