
The Dresser Edit | Jewellery Storage

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Jewellery can be a tricky thing to organise. I for one have gone through countless jewellery boxes, hangers, etc. All of which tend to either get very messy very quickly, or, I find that it takes too damn long to open your drawer, take out the jewellery box, rummage for that one tiny ring or necklace and then put it all away again. Ain't nobody got time for that! 

Recently I have been loving using these little bowls/shells for keeping my jewellery in. Not only do they look pretty on my dresser, but they also make it so easy to quickly grab something before I head out the door. It's also very easy to chuck my jewellery away into its shell before going to bed that night! 

The bluey-green shells are some very old Paua shells that my family brought home from a trip to New Zealand so they are real shells but I am sure you could find similar shells in many beach-y stores. You can find similar shells here. I find them a great size for little trinkets, small stud-style earrings and also a couple of my most used larger earrings. 

The other two bowls/jars I bought from my local Vinnies. Yep good old Vinnies! I find Vinnies to be great for trinkety things like these, jewellery and ceramics. I'm pretty sure these were both about $5 each (maybe even less) so i'd definitely reccomend checking out your local Vinnies. Never know what treasures you'll come across! 

Hope you enjoyed this different kind of post. Let me know in the comments if you have any different ways of storing your jewellery! I love coming up with different storage ideas and i'd love to hear yours :)

What do YOU want?

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

So recently i've been MIA. The truth is, I actually have about 3 draft posts sitting waiting to be finished, photographed and published but for some reason i'm feeling a bit uninspired. Which is not okay! 

Google Analytics tell me that my most popular posts were my Lush haul, Uni/handbag essentials and my top 10 apps. I'm not really sure where i'm going with this blog- whether i'm going to go down the make-up path, the lifestyle path or a little bit of everything (i think that's more likely). Basically i'm writing this post to find out what YOU want to read about. Do you want a winter/summer fashion lookbook or a festival guide? A DIY post or a makeup tutorial? More product reviews or a fashion haul? Decorating tips or tips for creating the perfect instagram photo? Top 10 cafes in Sydney or a guide on where to spend and where to save? I'm more than happy/excited to do any of these but i'd really like to know what you guys would enjoy reading about. 

So let me know in the comments or tweet/facebook/instagram me :) 
