
What do YOU want?

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

So recently i've been MIA. The truth is, I actually have about 3 draft posts sitting waiting to be finished, photographed and published but for some reason i'm feeling a bit uninspired. Which is not okay! 

Google Analytics tell me that my most popular posts were my Lush haul, Uni/handbag essentials and my top 10 apps. I'm not really sure where i'm going with this blog- whether i'm going to go down the make-up path, the lifestyle path or a little bit of everything (i think that's more likely). Basically i'm writing this post to find out what YOU want to read about. Do you want a winter/summer fashion lookbook or a festival guide? A DIY post or a makeup tutorial? More product reviews or a fashion haul? Decorating tips or tips for creating the perfect instagram photo? Top 10 cafes in Sydney or a guide on where to spend and where to save? I'm more than happy/excited to do any of these but i'd really like to know what you guys would enjoy reading about. 

So let me know in the comments or tweet/facebook/instagram me :) 



  1. Post what you want to! The best posts will be the ones you enjoy putting together most. And I'll read anything you post anyway :P xx

    1. Haha but I want to write all of those things! I'm just interested in what interests everyone else :) xx

  2. LOOKBOOKS BABYY deffs winter ones!

  3. Lovely post,dear!I would love to see lookbooks:)
    Keep in touch xx
