
Cleaning Makeup Brushes

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Cleaning your makeup brushes is probably one of the biggest beauty chores. It can be so boring and time consuming! A lot of people also don't really know how to clean them properly so I thought i'd write up a quick post on how I like to clean mine. 

1. Put on some music!... I know how boring washing your makeup brushes can be! So when I do it I often like to have music playing in the background or even a Youtube video playing on my iPad propped up near my sink. It makes the time go by much faster and makes washing your brushes less of a chore. 

2. Use shampoo and cleanser mixture... I definitely prefer using a mixture of shampoo and any cleanser when it comes to deep cleaning my brushes. I've tried the whole shampoo and olive oil thing but I found it just left my brushes greasy and took forever to dry. I find the shampoo mixed with the cleanser gives your brushes the deepest clean and if you're only doing this once every 2-3 weeks it shouldn't ruin your brushes. I like to take equal amounts of both into a little bowl and mix it together. 

3. Use circular motions and water... Wet your brush a little under running water facing downwards to avoid getting the water to the glue that holds the bristles. Then dip your brush into the mixture, and using circular motions- swirl the brush in your hand, running it under the water every now and then to remove the excess. Repeat the step again for the difficult brushes (foundation and concealer brushes are the worst!)

4. Do 2/3 eye brushes at a time... I like to do the smaller eye brushes in groups as they are small and quick and don't need the vigorous cleaning that the bigger brushes need. This also saves time!

5. Clean your BeautyBlender!... Any sponge you use on your face should be deep cleaned at least once a week whether its a beauty blender or the sponges that come with some powder foundations. Especially with the beauty blender, because it remains damp for quite a while it can harbour bacteria a lot quicker than most brushes. I like to clean mine with antibacterial soap and a cleanser. I squeeze the sponge under water and then massage the mixture into it, followed by squeezing it under warm running water again. I repeat this process until there are no more brown spots or marks on it (this can take a couple repeats). Ps. Beauty Blender review coming soon! Watch this space. 

6. Allow to dry overnight... Allowing your brushes to dry overnight ensures they are completely dry when you need to use them the next day! There's also nothing better than using a freshly cleaned brush on a Monday morning ;) I like to dry my brushes sitting on a towel with the bristles hanging off the edge of a table/window sill. 

Do you have any tips on how you clean your brushes? 

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